anchor strength


Adhesive & Metal Expansion Anchor Strength Calculation Sheet ~Cumulative 1,400 Downloads Achieved~

Three types of calculation sheets in Excel to simplify the laborious calculation of various parameters that differ depending on the manufacturer and model number: ① A calculation sheet with minimal input requirements that can handle all types of adhesive anchors, ② A calculation sheet based on the calculation formula of each manufacturer.
ボルト, アンカー

【How to calculate】 Strength of Adhesive anchors (chemical anchor)

You can download an automatic calculation sheet (Excel) that incorporates a calculation formula that only requires input of four values to obtain the allowable tensile force, despite the complexity of the calculation formula and many parameters. It uses a reliable calculation method based on the formula developed by NIHON DECOLUX, the first company to manufacture and sell adhesive anchor systems in Japan. The parameters used were determined by actual designers and installation supervisors.